Fitness Director, Kaley Rose Lelis
(412) 715-8571
[email protected]

Physical Therapist, Dr. Andrew Dulak

Personal Trainer, Tyler Lelis

Fitness Center Phone Number:  (412) 449-1627
Hours of Operation:  
Monday through Sunday
5:00 a.m.  -  9:00 p.m.





FCGC'S Fitness Director, Kaley Rose Lelis

  • Bachelor of Science from the University of Pittsburgh
  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  •  PROnatal Certified Pre/Postnatal Performance Training Specialist
  •  200-hr Vinyasa Yoga certification from Amazing Yoga
  •  CPR Certified
Kaley believes in a functional approach to physical fitness-preparing clients for the physical demands of “real life”, as well as helping them be able to engage in any activity and athletic pursuits that they desire.

Fitness and health weren’t always Kaley’s top interests. As a child and young adult she struggled with a less-than-healthy lifestyle, and the mental effects that came as a result of that. Her passion for physical fitness and health began first with distance running, and later her passion grew when she attended her first yoga class. She felt both physical and emotional healing from yoga, and as a result, quickly made the decision to become a yoga instructor so that she could share this transformative practice with others. As beneficial as running and yoga were, Kaley felt like there was still a missing piece for her physically. Eventually, she was introduced to strength training-this was the physical element that her body was missing. She has seen tremendous improvement in both her body and mindset through the addition of resistance training, agility and speed work, and overall functionally minded training. Because of this, she now believes in well-rounded mobility and strength. From this realization, she obtained her personal training certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Additionally, Kaley is passionate about women’s health, and completed training as pre and postnatal performance training specialist-specializing in helping women feel empowered by their bodies, and ready for the physical and mental challenges of labor/delivery, and helping their physical recovery after at any postpartum stage.

Overall, Kaley loves personal training because she understands and relates to the sense of accomplishment and self-love that comes from reaching your health and fitness goals. Also, as a self-proclaimed “nutrition nerd”, she is extremely passionate about functional health and wellness-merging your physical pursuits with your diet and lifestyle to achieve optimal health, and loves sharing this knowledge with her clients. Her approach to personal training aims to give her clients lifestyle tools to not just look their best, but also feel their best; mentally, physically, and in everything that they do.



 Fitness Director, Tyler Lelis
 Tyler has his BS from the University of Pittsburgh, is a NASM Certified Personal trainer, a Certified Nutrition Coach, holds a TPI Golf Certification and certifications in Neuromuscular Mobility  and  Flexibility, and is an MMA Strength and Conditioning Specialist. In addition to his educational qualifications, he is a former United States Track and Field Junior Olympian, WPIAL Track and Field Champion in hurdles, and was part of the All-PIAA track and field team multiple years. 
Tyler takes a personalized functional approach to helping members reach their health goals, with a focus on client specific bio-individuality. We look forward to Tyler’s leadership during Kaley’s leave. Please feel free to reach out to Tyler directly with any questions or training inquiries [email protected] or (724) 594-4557.



Fitness Center's In-House Physical Therapist

Dr. Andrew Dulak
Dr. Dulak is an enthusiast for science, health, and sports, especially golf. He earned his Bachelor’s of Science degree in Exercise Science from West Chester University and then became a certified personal trainer is Syracuse, New York. During his time as a trainer, Dr. Dulak decided to pursue a doctorate in Physical Therapy at the University of Pittsburgh.
With over 10 years of experience as a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT),
Dr. Dulak’s specialties include: lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, arthritis, sprains, and muscles strains. He uses a dynamic approach that includes specific manual therapy techniques (joint mobilization, soft tissue releases, and taping) along with corrective movement exercises to restore function.

Dr. Dulak also created an unique and patient specific program, gaining inspiration from his love of both golf and physical therapy.  He became certified from the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI). Dr. Dulak currently holds two advance TPI certification: Medical Level 2 and Fitness Level 2. This unique and patient specific golf program helps golfers identify any limitations in joint mobility, muscle flexibility, muscle control, and muscle strength that has caused injury (or may result in injury in the future) and/or improve overall golf performance by improving efficiency and control of the golf swing.

To schedule a session, please contact Andrew to schedule (412) 437-1798.


Fox Chapel Golf Club Guest Policy Reminder 
1. Non-Members to whom the privileges of the Club may be extended shall be divided into two classifications – (a) Visitors and (b) Guests. Visitors shall mean persons residing in Allegheny County; Guests shall mean persons residing outside Allegheny County.

2. A Member may invite a Visitor to the Club no more frequently than once in thirty days.  The Visitor must be accompanied by the Member introducing him or her. However, when a Member holds a private party in a private dining room the presence of a particular Visitor will not count in the 30-day delay period.  The participation of a Visitor in a Club sponsored invitation event will also be considered an exception.
3. A Member may invite a Guest to join him or her in activities at the Club during a visit to Pittsburgh even though it means visits to the Club on successive days.  The Guest must be accompanied by the Member, and usage of the golf course or other activities by a Guest will involve the regular applicable activities fees. Upon request from a Member to the Membership Director, a Guest Card may be issued to a Guest for a period of two weeks.  The Guest Card makes available the privilege of using all facilities of the Club without the presence of the sponsoring Member, but the Guest may not introduce other Visitors or Guests. The Guest card privilege may on request of the Member, be extended for one further period of two weeks.  A person to whom a Guest Card has been issued shall not again be so admitted to the privileges of the Club that year without specific
approval of the Board.  The Guest card fee is $150 per week per person and $250 per week per family plus the daily greens fees and other activities fees as may be applicable.  Credit will be extended to a Guest for whom a card has been issued, who, when signing checks, should sign his/her own name and that of the Member introducing him/her.
4. Husbands, wives and Members’ children 16 years of age or over, who are not themselves Members of the Club will be permitted the use of the Club only as Visitors or Guests.

Cancellation Policy 
When you book a training/PT/small group training session, you are holding space on our calendar that is no longer available to other club members. To be respectful to your fellow club members and our staff, you must cancel or reschedule your appointment by no later than 5:00 p.m. the day before your scheduled session. 
At the discretion of the club, you may be charged at your regular session rate if you do not (i) show up for your appointment or (ii) cancel/reschedule before the aforementioned time frame.  This is done in fairness to both the trainer/physical therapist and to members who would otherwise have wanted the appointment.
Thank you for providing our staff and our members this courtesy.

Fitness Center Rules
  1. Use of the Fitness Center is limited to Members of the Fox Chapel Golf Club, their Children and registered Guests.  The Club guest policy applies to the Fitness Center.  All Members must register Guests.  Guest fees will apply.
  2. Members and Guests are using the Fitness Center at their own risk.  The Club is not responsible for any injuries resulting to Members or Guests due to any activity carried on in the Fitness Center.  All Members and their Guests must sign a Release and Waiver form before using the Fitness Center for the first time.
  3. Members and Guests (including Children) with medical issues must consult with their physician before beginning an exercise program at the Fitness Center.  When requested by the Fitness Director, a Member or Guest shall provide a letter from a medical doctor stating that the Member or Guest may participate in the activities described in the letter.  Such letter shall remain on file with the Fitness Center.
  4. Pregnant women should consult with their physician prior to usage of the Fitness Center.
  5. Personal training sessions by staff personnel only are available by appointment and at set hourly rates.  Appointments can be scheduled at the Fitness Center desk.  Changes or cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance or you will be billed for your scheduled time. 
  6. Sign-ups for the group exercise classes will be taken at the Fitness Center desk.  The established fees will be charged to your Member account.
  7. All concerns, equipment malfunctions and maintenance needs should be reported to the Fitness Center staff immediately.
  8. Towels are available for everyone exercising in any part of the Fitness Center.  Please dispose of used towels in the designated bins.  If towels are removed from the premises and not returned, a charge will be implemented.
  9. It is the responsibility of all persons to obtain instruction on how to use the equipment prior to usage of such equipment, and to use the equipment only in accordance with such instructions.  The Fitness Center staff will provide a complimentary orientation by appointment only.   Please call regarding any appointment changes or cancellations at least 24 hours in advance. 
  10. Lockers are available for daily use only – no overnight storage is permitted.  All personal belongings are not allowed on the Fitness Center floor and should be properly stored in the locker room or in the space provided near the Fitness Director’s desk.  The Club shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any private property used or stored in the Fitness Center or lockers.
  11. The Group Exercise Room is available for use during non-class times on a first-come/first-serve basis.
  12. Please limit use of one piece of equipment to 30 minutes if a Member/Guest is waiting to use that piece of equipment.  If a Member/Guest is waiting for the weight equipment, individuals should allow others to “work in” between sets.
  13. Always clean up when finished using the Fitness Center.  Please return all equipment to its original location when you are finished with it. Machines must be wiped off and sanitized after each use.  Please use the supplied sanitizers on machines only.
  14. Talking on cell phones is permitted in the locker rooms only.  Personal music devices are permitted if used with headphones and played at a volume that does not disturb others.
  15. Proper attire is to be worn at all times.  Cut off shorts, shirts, jeans and swim wear are not permitted.  Nor are sandals or street shoes.  Midriffs must be covered.  No clothing with stones or beading may be worn as these might get caught on equipment and cause injury.
  16. No smoking, eating or consumption of alcoholic beverages, shall be permitted in the Fitness Center.  Water or other sports drinks must be contained in non-breakable spill proof containers.
  17. Members, Children and Guests are required to follow the Fitness Center rules for the health and safety of all concerned.  All violations of the Rules and Regulations will be referred to the General Manager who in turn will refer such violations to the Board of Directors when appropriate.
  18. The Fitness Director is authorized to implement any additional or temporary rules, as may be necessary.

Guests Rules
  1. Members are responsible for informing their Guests of the Fitness Center Rules and   Regulations and are responsible for their Guest’s behavior.
  2. Guests must be at least 16 years of age to use the Fitness Center.
  3. All Guests must be accompanied by a Member or have a Guest Card.
  4. Complimentary equipment orientations may be scheduled to ensure the safe usage of the fitness equipment by Guests.
  5. Prior to the use of the Fitness Center, a Member’s Guest is required to sign a Release and Waiver form.
  6. Guest fees will be charged for use of the Fitness Center.  The Member’s Club account will be billed the guest fee.
Children Rules
  1. The Club takes pride in creating a family experience and sees our Children as the future of the Club.  As such, the Club needs to ensure the Fitness Center is accessible to Children, provided they are properly educated on gym etiquette and safety measures.
  2. Children between the ages of 12-15 are permitted to use the Fitness Center accompanied and supervised by a parent.  The parent will assume full responsibility for the child. 
Children between the ages of 14-15 can earn the privilege of being able to use the Fitness Center equipment without a parent after they successfully complete appropriate introductory classes (Teen Fit Program).

Children ages 16 and over may, at the discretion of the Fitness Director, use the Fitness Center provided they have received training in the use of equipment from the Fitness Center staff and have an orientation chart on file.
  1. Children under 12 years of age are not permitted in the Fitness Center except for scheduled youth fitness classes or individual personal training with a member of the Fitness Center staff.
  2. Members are responsible for the actions of their Children.  If Children or their Guests fail to comply with these Rules and Regulations, such failure and the Member or parent/guardian will be referred to the General Manager and the Board as appropriate.  This action may result in loss of privileges of both the Members and their Children.
  3. Children using the Fitness Center will be required to have a Release and Waiver form signed by them and their parent or guardian. 
  4. During peak periods of utilization, adults will have priority over Children using Fitness Center equipment.
Hours of Operation
  1.  The Board will determine when the Fitness Center will be open, and post those hours on   the Club website.  Members will be promptly notified of any change of schedule.